Brutus for expelling the Kings, was created Consul the first. This man for expelling the Consuls is become King, the last,l There conspired against him more than three-score, the heads of

which conspiracie were C. Cassius, Marcus2 and Decimus Brutus; who having made doubt at first whether by dividing themselves into partes,3 they should cast him downe the bridge, as he called the Tribes to give their voices at the Election in Mars fielde, and so take him when hee was downe and kill him right out: or set uppon him in the high streete called Sacra via4 : or else in the very entrance to the Theater; after that the Senate had summons to meete in Counsell within the Court of Pompeius upon the Ides of March,6 they soone agreed of this time and place before all others.