Ajax, since Jove to thy bigge forme made thee so strong a man, And gave thee skill to use thy strength; so much that for thy speare Thou art most excellent of Greece, now let us fight forbeare: Hereafter we shall warre againe, till Jove our Herald be, And grace with conquest which he will; heaven yields to night, and

wee: Goe thou and comfort all thy Fleete, all friends and men of thyne, As I in Troy my favorers, who in the Phane divyne Have offerd orisons for me; and come, let us impart Some ensignes of our strife to shew each others suppled hart,

9 That men of Troy and Greece may say, thus their high quarrel ends; Those that encountring were such foes, are now (being separate)

friends.l He gave a sword whose handle was with silver studs through driven, Scabard and all, with hangers rich: by Telamon was given A faire wel-glossed purple waste: thus Hector went to Troy, And after him a multitude fild with his safties joy, Despairing he could ever scape the puisant fortitude And unimpeached Ajax hands: the Greekes like joy renued For their reputed victorie, and brought them to the King, Who to the great Satumides preferd an offering ...• [Nestor advised the Greeks to build walls and a dyke to protect their fleet.]

The Kings doe his advise approve: so Troy doth Court convent At Priams gate in th'Ilion tower, fearefull and turbulent. Amongst all, wise Antenor spake: Trojans and Dardan friends, And Peeres assistents, give good eare to what my care commends To your consents for all our good: resolve, let us restore The Argive Helen, with her wealth to him she had before 2 : We now defend but broken faiths: if therefore ye refuse, No good event can I expect of all the warres we use.