The Recuyell of the Hystoryes of Troye 197 [Before the second great battle Hector took over command from his father.] This Hector was moche coragyous, stronge and victoryous in batayll, and a right wyse conduytour of men of armes. His shelde was alle of gold, and in the myddell a lyon of gowles. And how well that he was the laste that yssued out of his hous or of the cyte, yet passid he allewaye alle the bataylles and cam and putte hym self afore in the fyrst bataylle. The women that were in the cyte and alle the other wente upon the wallys for to beholde the batayles. There were the doughters of the kynge wyth the quene Helayne that had grete doubte and dyverce ymagynacyons in her sel£ ...