The Patterne of Painefull Adventures 479 they sought for: it were others that were more fit for their purpose to meete withall, such as ventured further in greater vesselles, carrying foorth great summes of money, and bringing home plenty of costly merchandize: As for him, they should not only find miserable povertie in ransacking his boat, but if they were also determined to take away his life from him, they should likewise with the same stroke bereave the lives of his poore wife, and many small Children, which were maintained by his hand onely. These or the like words uttered then the poore fisherman. But they smiling in their conceits, and mindefull of their Princes commaundement, bade him not feare that they would robbe him, but saide that he must goe with them, and brought him away unto the court. And when he was come into the kings presence, Apollonius knewe him well, and saide unto the Queene and the Nobles that were about him: Beholde, this is the man that received me into his house, and succoured mee when I suffered shipwracke, and shewed me the way into the Citie, by which meanes I came acquainted with good king Altistrates. And he rose out of his seate, and embraced him and said: I am Apollonius Prince of Tyrus whome thou diddest succour, and therefore bee of good cheere, for thou shalt be rewarded. And the poore fisherman wept exceedingly for joy. And Apollonius commaunded two hundred sestercies of gold to be given unto him, and thirty servants, and twenty handmaides, and fortie horses, and fiftie sutes of apparell, and a faire pallace to dwel in, and made him an earle, and used no man so familiarly as he did him all the dayes of his life. Nowe it was not long after that these things were done, but one called Calamitus the master of the ship of Tyrus, an olde man, who, as we have before declared, shewed unto Apollonius as hee was walking by the sea side with Lucina, that Antiochus and his daughter were dead, and the kingdome was reserved for him, came before Apollonius, and, falling downe on his knees: Remember me, my most gratious Lorde Apollonius saide hee, since the time I tolde your grace the good tidings of king Antiochus death.