The Painful! Adventures oj Pericles Prince oj Tyre 493 Tyre, and neighbour to this tyrant King Antiochus, was the last who undertooke to resolve this Riddle, which he accordingly, through his great wisedome, performed: and finding both the subtiltie and sinne of the Tyrant, for his owne safetie fled secretly from Antioch backe to Tyre, and there acquainted Helycanus a grave Counsellour of his with the proceedings, as also with his present feare what might succeed, from whose counsell he tooke advise, for a space to leave his kingdome, and betake himselfe to travell; to which yeelding, Pericles puts to sea, arives at Tharsus, which he finds (thorow the dearth of corne) in much distresse: he there relieves Cleon and Dyonysa with their distressed City, with the provision which he brought of purpose; but by his good Counsellour Helycanus hearing newes of Antiochus death, he intends for Tyre, puts againe to Sea, suffers shipwracke, his shippes and men all lost, till (as it were) Fortune tyred with his mis-happes, he is throwne upon the shoare, releeved by certaine poore Fishermen, and by an Armour of his which they by chaunce dragged up in their nettes, his misfortunes being a little repaired, Pericles arrives at the Court of good Symonides King of Penta polis, where through his noblenesse both in Armes and Arts, he winnes the love of faire Thaysa the kings daughter, and by her fathers consent marries her.