The Pairifull Adventures of Pericles Prince of Tyre 54 ignorant that the displeasure of kings is as daungerous as death) should dare to speake unto him: no not so much as they who attended him with meate, and withall commaunded them, that they should not ordayne for him any more but so small a competence, as might even scarcely maintaine nature, accompting now that life which he possessed, tedious to him, and wishing death in the most unfriendly languishment. In which state while he consisted, pining of his body, and perplexed in minde, it happened, that at oneselfe same time Lord Helycanus going from the Princes shippe, and landing on the shoare,1 the Governour Lysimachus, who (as before is mentioned) tenderd Marina, was standing at the haven, and noting Pericles ships riding there at anker, he beganne with himselfe to commend the comelinesse of the vessells, and applaude the state they uphelde in their burthens, and in especially, that of the Admirall wherein the Prince himselfe was, who seeing Helycanus come on shoare, and his grave and reverent 2 countenaunce promising him, to be a father of experience, and worthy of his conference, hee in curteous manner saluted him, and demaunded of him, of whence those shippes were, for sir quoth he, by their armes and ensignes I perceive they are strangers to our harbours, as also that it would please him to deliver to him who was the owner of them, when Helycanus, as in the whole Storie, discoursed unto him his misfortunes, as also of his former woorth, and his present languishment, from which he could not be remooved, neither by his owne wisedome, nor by the counsell of his friends. When Lysimachus pittying his ruine, intreated Helycanus that he might speake with him, whereby to try if his perswasions had power to prevayle with him more then the will ofhimselfe, or power of his subjects. Which being by Helycanus graunted, he foorthwith conducted him downe where his Maister lay3: whom when Lysimachus beheld, so attired from the ordinary habite of other men, as with a long over-growne beard, diffused hayre, undecent nayles on his fingers, and himselfe lying uppon his cowch groveling on his face. He somewhat astonished at the strangenes thereof, called unto him with a soft voice, Prince Pericles, who hearing himselfe named, and thinking it to be some of his men, that called upon him contrary to his commaundement, hee arose up sodainely with a fierce countenaunce: but seeing him to be a stranger, verie comely and honourably attyred, hee shruncke himselfe downe uppon his pillow, and held his peace. When Lysimachus demaunded of Helycanus ifit were his custome to be so silent to all men. Sir, it is quoth he, and hath continued so

1 In Per. V.I. Lysimachus comes out to the ship. 2 V.I.14. 3 As in Twine. cr. V.I.35.