LI. Marie sir, we had thoughte you had beene on sleepe within, and therefore we thought best to wake you: what doth Erostrato?

DA. He is not within. PHI. Open the dore good fellow I pray thee. DA. If you thinke to lodge here, you are deceived I tell you, for

here are guestes enowe already. PHI. A good fellow, and much for thy maister honesty by our

Ladie: and what guestes I pray thee? DA. Here is Philogano my maisters father, lately come out of

Sicilia.l PHI. Thou speakest truer than thou arte aware of, he will be,

by that time thou hast opened the dore: open I pray thee hartily. DA. It is a small matter for me to open the dore, but here is no

lodging for you, I tell you plaine, the house is full. PHI. Of whome? DA. I tolde you: here is Philogano my maisters father come from

Cathanea. PHI. And when came he? DA. He ca.me three houres since, or more, he alighted at the

Aungell, and left his horses there: afterwarde my maister brought him hither.