Book X [Myrrha, having committed incest with her father Cinyra, flees and prays to be changed so that she will be neither with the living nor with the dead. She becomes a tree, but her son Adonis is born with the aid of the goddess Lucina.]

Lucina to this wofull tree came gently downe, and Iayd Her hand theron, and speaking woordes of ease, the midwife playd. The tree did cranye, and the barke deviding made away, And yeelded out the chyld alyve, which cryde and wayld streyght

way. The waternymphes uppon the soft sweete hearbes the chyld did

lay, And bathde him with his mothers teares. His face was such, as

spyght Must needes have praysd. For such he was in all condicions right, As are the naked Cupids that in tables picturde bee. But too th'entent he may with them in every poynt agree, Let eyther him bee furnisshed with wings and quiver light, Or from the Cupids take theyr wings and howes and arrowes quight.