The Pallace of Pleasure 199 his wicked wife, with all the race of his children and progenie, so that none of them, ne yet any others shall raigne anye longer in Rome.' Then hee delivered the knife to Colla tin us, Lucretius and Valerius, who marveyled at the strangenesse of his words; and from whence he should conceive that determination. They all swore that othe. And followed Brutus, as their captaine, in his conceived purpose. The body ofLucrece was brought into the market place, where the people wondred at the vilenesse of that facte, every man complayning uppon the mischiefe of that facinorous rape, committed by Tarquinius. Wherupon Brutus perswaded the Romaynes, that they should cease from teares and other childishe lam;!ntacions, and to take weapons in their handes, to shew themselves like men ... ,

[At Rome] the people out of all places of the citie, ranne into the market place. Where Brutus complained of the abhominable Rape of Lucrece, committed by Sextus Tarquinius. And thereunto he added the pride and insolent behaviour of the king, the miserie and drudgerie of the people, and howe they, which in time past were victors and conquerours, were made of men ofwarre, Artificers, and Labourers. He remembred also the infamous murder of Servius Tullius their late kinge. These and such like he called to the people's remembraunce, whereby they abrogated and deposed Tarquinius, banishing him, his wife, and children ....