From the m ultiplicity of sites from w hich eye deviation can be elicited, Pasik and Pasik (1964) and Bender (1980) challenged the existence of specific centers for eye m ovem ents in the cerebral cortex and argued that conjugate deviation m ay result "from the excitation of a sensory system . . . w hich ultim ately reaches the oculom otor system ." Yet there is converging evidence from anim al experim ents of stim ulation, ablation, and single cell recording that tw o areasthe frontal eye field and the peristriate-posterior parietal cortex-have achieved a pivotal role in the m ediation of eye m ovem ents and the claim has been m ade that they are differentially related to saccades and pursuit m ovem ents, respectively, although convincing support for such a segregation of function is lacking.