The variety of patients with whom Individual Psychologists work is rather broad. Adler's system provides not only the theoretical conceptualizations necessary for such work, but, in many instances, the clinical guidelines and strategies. Patients with general medical conditions that lead to mental disorders are challenging; yet Adler and his followers have provided clinicians the requisite guidelines and theoretical framework upon which to base treatment. Not only is Adlerian theory applicable to understanding such conditions, but it is also well-suited for working with such individuals . Medical supervision and interventions are required in the treatment of all these conditions and syndromes, although the psychosocial aspects are gaining in recognition and importance, even in the medical field (Berg, Franzen, & Wedding, 1987; Miller, 1990; Rule, 1984; Strub & Black, 1993). As Gallatin ( 1982) pointed out ,

It is against this ever increasing theoretical awareness that Adler's conceptualizations will be presented.