En: 11IJI11iplex and plexiform; dupUcale and pJicnto-conIOrled.

plnJ-(1). Sec plml-. pIW-(2). Sec .,lex. -plaia, a var of -plegla. q.v.: from Or -plixia,

rro;.:.dr, astroke. - te;plkato-: both frompUC4le, folded. Exx:

rrlplicate;pliClllolobole (d -lobate). a -plex and: pIId-: (rom ML plica, a fold, from L !licare

(s plie-), to fold: d pree. Ex: pticiform (ef -form). pI1DtbI-: for plinth (Or plinthos, a brick, a plinth),

as in pUnlhiform. pIIo-. See ple/o-. -pIoId=Gr -ploos, folded+suffix -oid. Ex: poly-

ploid, manifold. pht-: from L pliis, more; in E, denotes 'more

than', as in pluperfeel. CCplurl-. pbmlbI-, pIumbo-: from L plumbum (s plumb-),

lead (Min): cr PLUMB. Exx: plumbiferous, leadproducing (d -ferous at 1er);plumbo(-)s0Illent.