Wladyslaw Bartoszewski: (b.1922, Warsaw), is Professor of Modern History, and taught at the Universities of Lublin, Munich and Augsburg and is the author of over twenty books. He was cofounder of the Council for Aid to Jews (Zegota) and recipient of the title ‘Righteous among Nations’, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1963. He has also been awarded the Herder Prize (1983) and the German Booksellers’ Peace Prize (1986). He is a vice-president of the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford. Ewa Berberyusz is a leading Polish journalist. She was born in Warsaw in 1929, the daughter of a high-ranking army officer, who was forced to conceal his identity during the Nazi Occupation, and who was killed in the Nazi uprising of 1944. She was educated in a convent school and studied philology at Warsaw University. She has worked in various publishing houses and since 1980, has been associated with Tygodnik Powszechny. Several volumes of her reportages have been published in book form. Jan Blonski is Professor of the History of Polish Literature at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His many publications include Poeci i inni (Poets and others) (1965), Zmiana warty (The Changing of the Guard) (1961) and Odmarsz (Departure). Andrzej Bryk is lecturer at the Legal-Historical Institute of the Jagiellonian University. His fields of research include Modern Political History and the history of Polish-Jewish relations. He has written about Jewish Autonomy in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and Polish-Jewish relations in the twentieth century.