Then-in something of the same vein-there's Taz Action. I don't believe I've ever seen a video ofTaz, although there have been quite a number. My first contact with him came when I got a call, late at night, in Wisconsin: he was calling from L.A. to ask me how to get his book published. This would have been, oh, 1993 I guess. I was completely bewildered. First, I'm not an authority on how to get published; second, it was not initially explained how he got my number; third, I'd never heard of him (though he claimed to be a famous pomstar); and fourth (after he'd fmally explained that Dave Kinnick had sicced him on me), he eventually admitted, in passing, that he hadn't really written a book, that this was all just an idea, but he was gonna do it, really he was. It was all there in his head, and if he sent it to me, would I read it and tell him what I thought, huh? I sleepily agreed, "Sure, whatever Taz." It took at least an hour, maybe two, to get off the phone. The conversation was brain-bending enough that I didn't really want to just hang up on him. Whether or not he ever wrote a book, I was certain that I could use this episode in one of mine someday.