Milligan (2010) has pointed out that interest in education after conflicts of the type considered in this book has grown considerably over the last decade. This might well be because such contemporary conflicts tend to be more deadly for children and more destructive of civilian infrastructure, including schools, than traditional wars (Mundy and Dryden-Peterson, 2011). As a consequence, conventional priorities in these contexts, including the provision of food, shelter and healthcare no longer take precedence over schooling, which is now recognised as being essential to maintaining communities, the psychological recovery of children and the general recovery of society. Milligan (2010) has also pointed out that although there is an emerging body of literature that considers the challenges and needs of students and teachers in post-conflict conditions, particularly those of the post-new war type, the area of educational leadership in these contexts has been neglected. We concur with this observation, while also emphasising that school leadership, specifically, is even more barren terrain from a research perspective.