Attempts to coordinate geoengineering research internationally hinge on technical and scientific demands on one hand, and ethical and political considerations on the other. This chapter argues that, given the nature of research, funding requirements, political imperatives, and the need to win informed public acceptance, internationally coordinated geoengineering research programmes would be necessary. It draws on examples from past international research programmes to discuss that several key characteristics define successful research endeavours: inclusiveness, transparency and review, public engagement, and precaution. The chapter discusses operational aspects of international research programmes, namely research capacity, flexible funding, establishing liability, and intellectual property. It considers the question largely in the context of research connected with solar radiation management (SRM). SRM research would have to build on existing international collaborations in climate science. Although SRM research is controversial and replete with uncertainties, there are several examples that could offer lessons on how international research collaborations originate, and how they are funded and governed.