Unlike you and your crew, actors have no equipment to stand behind, and nowhere to hide. Their work is intense, exposed, and dif cult. This means they are vulnerable, easily discouraged, and quick to compare themselves negatively with other actors. It’s important that you and every director do some acting so you experience this for yourself. Actors seldom need challenge or authority-they usually have all that working inside them, and then some. What they work for is recognition, and you, as their director and sole audience, are the only one who can confer it. All directions and all approval come from you, and you alone ( Figure 20-1 ). Everyone in the lm unit,

and every visitor, must be briefed never to make critical comments about the actors’ work, and no actor may criticize other actors. Any suggestion or comment, however useful, must be con dentially routed through you, for you to decide whether it should go further.