The UK's annual Greenhouse Gas Inventory, including the Land-Use Change and Forestry sector, appears each year as National Inventory Reports. The Forestry Commission (FC) has performed inventories of woodlands in Great Britain at 15–20 year intervals since 1924. The FC also uses these data to update information on the size and age structure of the national forest estate between the periodic inventories. The areas of forest felled and restocked in any particular year were not considered specifically. C-Flow uses FC yield tables to describe forest growth in terms of stemwood volume. In estimating removals of atmospheric carbon to conifer afforestation, Cannell and Dewar assumed that a net increase in the amount of carbon in soil did not occur, although decaying plant mass may lead to increases in soil organic detritus. Methane emissions from, or removals to, soils are not required for the Land-Use Change and Forestry sector of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory.