Doyle, B, New Directions Towards Disabled Workers’ Rights, 1994, London: Institute of Employment Rights, pp 3-6:

Using a broad definition, the [Office of Population Censuses and Surveys] found a disabled adult population in Britain of 6.2 million people, of whom 5.7 million were living in private households ... Some 42% of disabled adults living in private households were of working age (16-64 years old), compared with 74% of adults in the general population ... The [Social and Community Planning Research] study, using a narrower definition of disability (by reference to employability) estimated that 22% of adults of working age had a health problem or disability, and so measured the disabled adult population at 7.3 million persons ... [The researchers concluded] that disabled workers who are occupationally handicapped and economically active (in work or seeking work) represented nearly 4% of the population ...