Christianity has played an influential role within English politics since the 8th century. The laws of Alfred the Great are prefaced by the Decalogue, the basic ten commandments to which Alfred added a range of laws from the Mosaic code found in the old testament. So, even at this stage there was a strong Judeo-Christian stamp on the law. But it was the close connection between Crown and Church which developed after Henry’s break from Rome that allowed English law to be greatly influenced by Christianity This has led to the situation that now prevails in contemporary England that there is a close interdependency between the norms of Christianity, the law and the constitution. In the coronation oath, the monarch promises to uphold the Christian religion by law established. The Archbishop of Canterbury asks the monarch ‘Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel and the Protestant reformed religion established by law?’ To which the Monarch responds ‘All this I promise to do’. No monarch can take the throne without making the oath.