This model involves the pursuit of ‘truth’ through rational means. Can you make accurate present judgements based on reasoning in cases occurring in the past on similar facts? This is certainly what the doctrine of precedent demands. The English legal system has developed principles designed to draw out that past reasoning and use it in the present and to obtain consistent decision making. Such a pursuit has as a high, but not overriding priority, the securing of justice under law. The model of adjudication is instrumentalist in that the pursuit of truth through reason is only a means to achieving a particular type of justice: the implementation of substantive law. • The mode of decision making is rational not irrational, and because it is highly

aspirational its practice is often critiqued. • The mode of reasoning is inductive (to be explained below). Although there is

room for constructing deductive argument (again to be explained below) proof always needs to be by inductive means, as will be described.