Although even in 1330 there were rumours that Edward II was still alive, the new regime, faced with a difficulty which was to burden all future usurpers, had already set a pattern for the future. Though Edward II’s personal prestige must have been non-existent, he was an anointed king who had been deprived of his throne by proceedings of extremely doubtful legality. While he lived, he was a danger to Isabella and Mortimer as the potential focus of plots, and might remain so for many years. It would seem, however, that his enemies at first shrank from outright murder. After a period in relative comfort at Kenilworth, the former king was moved to Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire and was subjected to steadily worsening physical conditions in the hope of bringing about his death from disease. However, Edward’s physique withstood all the worst that medieval dungeons could provide. Moreover, at least two attempts were made to free him.