For many years, the main emphasis in a number of psychogeriatric nursing homes in the Netherlands has been on the ‘medical model’. The objective of this model is to provide medical care and physical treatment. However, insight into the dementia shows us that older persons with dementia have a primary need for psychosocial support and assistance (Droës and Finnema 1999). To meet this need, we have to change from a medical to a psychosocial model for care in nursing homes. Such a changeover is no easy task as it involves changing the behaviour of all staff, not to mention completely restructuring the organization. Change, in this sense does not so much mean devising new concepts, but rather starting off a psychological process. Only by making a link with the daily work of staff will it be possible to instil this psychological process. To be successful, it is necessary to find out what originally inspired the care staff. The vast majority of them opted for a career in health care because they wanted to care for others. However, with the current system, many staff find themselves stuck in a clinical and routine way of giving care. This makes many of them constantly feel that they are falling short of the mark. By talking to care-giving staff about their ideas of good care, it is clear that many of them are inspired to change. What is more, because of their practical experience, they have the knowledge that is essential to come up with effective concepts.