M a r y . M y dear A u n t : I arrived in town safely; Mrs. Brown's rooms were all let. But she has kindly loaned me the use ot a suite, belonging to a lodger of hers, who is away in Saratoga. Dr. Robinson will call at five iu the morning to escort me to Trenton.—Where I shall, lor the first time-see his mother.” -T here ! That will make Aunty happy ! She was quite in a fever at the idea ot my travelling to New York-alone. (Looks round.) What a cozy room. Let me see if the doors fastened safely. (Uca mines door <'.) Yes! All right, and Aunty Brown has locked it on the outside for fear I might be disturbed: kind olil lady. (Goes to table L.t examines bottles,) What’s all this? Essence of Quinine? Ayers Cherry Pectoral ? Rhubarb! Jalop! This a cozy ro.un ? Why its a drug stor«i! Never mind. I ’m not very likely to meet the -owner. ( Yawns.) I ’ll try to get an hour or two’s sleep in thia chair. (Sits on rocking chair.) H righo! I have no time to undress before my future husband calls for me.. Future husband!! How curious it is to be engaged to a man one know;* po little of, ar.d don’t care much about ( Yawns.) Yes, I must get some sleep. ( Takes flower from ghss and then blows out the candles.) Sweet liitie flower ! Companion of my long journey-you, like myself are weary-and fading away.