C A NZOXETTE. - Lo u s e . TVo. 3. The nuthnr o f thru* w orth is unknown. A . R. S.

Dr.—( Inside, calling.) Louisa! my darling! Lonisa! where are yon?

Lou.—There is my father calling. I must run into the garden, and pretend to have been there all the while, or he will suspect —

[Exits quickly through gate.]

Re-enter J ack, singing “ Uammer and nails" J ack. —Well! here we are for work again. Iliad such a hunt for those

nail3, and I had them in my coat pocket alt the time. Now for the lad­ der. (Qoes behind house and fetches it.) It's not the strongest in the world, although I made it. But since it wns sold to old Uncle Greedy it has been so patched nnd mended and renewed that I hardly know it for my own work. However, it will bear m y weight, I think. (Plants it against the houset and ascending commences to work, hammering xn nads and singing as before.)

[Re-enter Bookstaver, crossly l .] Book. — (Speaking off.) Sold again, and got no money! Yes, you

old catamaran ! Slammed tho dour in my face ! Old fellow was right. Must be kicked down stairs 999 lime3 before 1 know my business. 1 must buy an account book to make note of them. B ut really my pocket is at its lowest ebb. And there’s the hotel bill to pay. It s growing desper­ ate. I must think ! I'll t.iko the advice of my friends. (Advances to the footlights and sjwaks to audience.) Now I have already taken you into my contldence; yen know how I am tried. Wouldn’t you take any chance that oflered ? (Pause.) Thank you. I thought so. I will l>e guided entirely by your advice, no matter what may be the result But where, when, omf how to go and do it. (Jack sings on ladder, *• hammer and nails." H a ! what do I hear? (looks up.) Wrhat do I see? Sublime chance. Thanks, dear public' thanks! (Runs hastily vp ladder. It shakes.)

your notice one of the most extraordinary books in the universe. Here >ou will find an authentic account of the Deluge, as seen by nn eye wit­ ness ; a complete description of the Garden of Eden, illustrated by pho­ tographs taken on the spot ; the Rise and Fall-

Book.—Before I can answer that question you must tell me-will you subscribe?