Zenck, Hermann, Walter Gerstenberg, Berhard Meier, and Helga Meier, eds. Adrian Willaert: Opera Omnia. Rome: American Institute of Musicology in Rome, 1950–. (CMM, 3)

The CMM complete edition of Willaert still lacks crucial volumes as indicated below. It is not possible to assess the edition as a scholarly resource, since it lacks any critical apparatus. Volumes do not list concordant sources. There is little explanation of the methodology for the addition of editorial accidentals to the edition, thus performers would be well advised to treat the edition with caution. With the exception of vol. 14 (M014), the editors based their editions on prints devoted to Willaert, assigning a special status to such prints ahead of other sources. At least the remaining sources should be carefully considered in an edition of this importance. While the production quality of the edition is high, nevertheless, a new edition with full critical apparatus is needed to allow scholars and performers to properly assess the music of Willaert in the context of a critical edition of the highest standard.