Treatment No treatment 20 (19.8%) Treatment: alone plus beta-plus Ca plus cent

blocker antag acting Diuretics 21 15 1 4 Beta blocker 22 5 ACE inhibitors 1 2 Calcium channel block 7 Central acting drugs 3 Vasodilators

Assessment All patients had had BP measured in last 12 months. Other items recorded in the notes in the last three years:

Smoking habit 48 47.5% Weight 47 46.5% PEF 5 4.9% Urinalysis 43 42.6% Chest X-ray 10 9.9% ECG 12 11.9% Electrolytes 32 31.7% Lipids 7 6.9%

Nurse guidelines (1) Review and complete diabetic history

Diagnosis Diet Exercise FH of diabetes Smoking history Yes/no, when stopped, how many?