Test Sum of Squares df Mean Square F P


Test Sum of Squares df Mean Square F P

Significant effects o f age were seen in all subtests. Post hoc comparisons (Bonferroni test) were used to determine at which age level the subtest performances no longer improved significantly. When the performance o f a specific age group in a specific sk i l l did not differ from that o f any o f the older groups, the development in this particular sk i l l was considered to have reached the 12-year-old level. This level was first reached in the Statue subtest at the age o f 6 years. In the K n o c k and Tap subtest, the level o f 12-year-olds was reached at the age o f 7 years, and in the Tower subtest at 8 years. In the subtests Visua l Attention, Vi sua l Search, Audi tory Attention, Auditory Response Set, and Semantic Fluency, this level was reached at 10 years. The last to reach the 12-year-old level were the subtests Phonemic Fluency and Design Fluency at the age o f 11 years.