As Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Coordinator at Hunter College, I have the opportunity to work with a group of six enthusiastic, bright, and dedicated graduate Writing Fellows who assist faculty in a variety of disciplines. The City University of New York (CUNY) Writing Fellows program is an initiative that is integrated with the WAC program as part of CUNY’s commitment to improve writing and academic literacy by encouraging writing-to-learn pedagogy across all 17 of its colleges. The Writing Fellows are doctoral students at the CUNY Graduate Center, most of whom have completed their coursework and passed oral exams but have yet to write dissertations. The Writing Fellows program was conceived to enable these graduate students to have a role in introducing writing in classes across the curriculum at an assigned campus. Working with Writing Fellows gives instructors across the curriculum the opportunity to discuss how their classes are viewed with someone who will not be making a tenure or promotion decision and who is in the class not only to assist the faculty member and the students but also to learn more about good pedagogical strategies. As a result, the program has been highly successful at my campus and across CUNY.