Much has been written about vocational choice and adjustment, and how they can be achieved and promoted, for at least a century (Parsons, 1909; Zytowski, 1972). Although research on career interventions has had a shorter history, enough research has accumulated to have yielded at least six metaanalyses of which we are aware on the effectiveness of career interventions (Baker & Popowicz, 1983; Brown & Ryan Krane, 2000; Oliver & Spokane, 1988; Spokane & Oliver, 1983; Whiston, Brecheisen, & Stephens, 2003; Whiston, Sexton, & Lasoff, 1998). The purposes of this chapter are twofold. First, we review the meta-analytic evidence on the effectiveness of career interventions along with other pertinent writings to summarize what we currently know about their effects and effectiveness. Our intent is to highlight what we currently know about career interventions in order to inform current practices.