New economic, social, and cultural conditions have begun to alter the patterns of home-school transitions in two ways: first, by shifting the normative definitions of family in postindustrial communities and economies; and second, by shifting the basis of preschool linguistic and literate socialization from long-standing print culture to emergent, complex blendings of multiliteracies that engage digital and media texts. Our claim here is that for many children the normative site for storybook reading-the family-is changing, that the texts and discourses of homeand community-based literacy practices are changing, and therefore, that the background knowledge, expertise, and habitus that children bring from home to school are also in transition. The cases we describe model new patterns of identity and practice at work in the early childhood classroompatterns for which a generation of print-trained and acculturated teachers have limited explanatory schemata other than those related to “deficit.”