This chapter presents the area of forensic neuropsychology. This is a complex and rapidly evolving area that requires both a thorough knowledge of the field of neuropsychology and an ability to evaluate and communicate the relevancy of cognitive deficits to civil and criminal legal issues. As such, forensic neuropsychology reflects the highest level of both the scientific and clinical aspects of neuropsychological practice. Forensic neuropsychology is the application of neuropsychology to civil and criminal legal proceedings. The lack of a one-to-one correspondence between legal issues and neuropsychological test scores requires a high level of neuropsychological expertise, as well as experience dealing with a variety of civil and criminal issues. The major forensic application of neuropsychology to date has been the determination of personal injury damages caused by accident or medical malpractice. Forensic neuropsychologists can play an important role in evaluating cognitive, emotional, and volitional factors in assisting the court on sanity determinations.