This book represents some major approaches to collecting language production data from children and young adults, but it is not intended as a complete handbook, which would require a much larger volume. The use of elicited narrative in cross-linguistic comparative developmental study, for example, has been richly elaborated elsewhere, especially by Berman and Slobin (1994), and is not covered here; for narrative in cross-linguistic aphasiology, Menn and Obler (1990) may be useful. Other aspects of production and methods of eliciting specific syntactic forms have been covered in the first several chapters of McDaniel, McKee, and Cairns (1998). For priming studies, see Bock, Lobell, & Morey (1992) and other papers cited in Bock and Levelt (1994). The CHILDES data analysis

(see also Sokolov & Snow, 1994) and the CHILDES Bib database can be searched for more information on how database corpora have been used (www//childes.psy.cmu.edu).