The Washington University Sentence Completion Test (WUSCT) has been translated into at least 11 other languages to allow its inclusion in research conducted in languages other than English (see Table 8.1). Translated versions of the WUSCT have been used to examine the relationship between ego development and achievement motivation and economic development (Lasker, 1978), models of achievement in women (von der Lippe, 1988), professional training activities (Limoges, 1980; Paul, 1980), the effects of trauma (Zlotogorski, 1985), delinquency (Tochio & Akiba, 1988; Tochio & Hanada, 1991), personality correlates of corporate subcultures (Kusatsu, 1977), the subcultural aspects of academic disciplines (Costa & Campos, 1987), religion and caste (Dhruvarajan, 1981), fluency among bilinguals (Hy, 1986), moral and social values (Snarey & Blasi, 1980), and psychosocial process correlates of various psychiatric diagnostic groups (Kapfhammer, Neumeier, & Scherer, 1993).