Pall /)(lIli.rmJ [n contrast to the chimpanzce, in nature our knowledge or the bonoho, or pyg-m)" chimpanzee,:!'"' is more limited, as is the species' geographic distribution. Bonobos are lemnd only in the Democratic Republic of Congo, south of the Cong-o river. ~4i The two I1lcuor hehm'ioural field studies hegan in 197+ with Nod and Alison Badrian working at the site of Lomako.~7 Research at Lomako has continued, with periodic interruptions due to political instability?' The second long-term research site, \Vamba, was established bv Takavoshi Kano.:!!) The two sites diller in that researchers at Lomako ch(;se not' to provision the apes;:;o at \Vamba, honobos were routinely led sugar-cane at artificial feeding-g-rounds while obst'nTrs watched the apes /i'om blinds.