Nathan Glazer, II a /()rnHT opponent of AA, has recently reversed his position and now advocates a guilt-atonement model ofAA lor blacks, on the simple ground that race-blind admissions at aite colleges and universities would result in only a I or 2 per cent hlack representation. This, says Glazer, is simply unacceptable. \Vhy, one may ask, would this outcome he any more unacceptable than the h'TOSS under-representation of whites in that other kind of highly ditist and meritocratic institution, the National Basketball Association? The evidence is not, as Nathan Glazer condescendingly suggests, that blacks cannot 'make the grade' without AA, but ratlwr the opposite. Namely, in those highly competitive fields where blacks haw excelled, such as sports, music, and entertainment, they han~ done so conspicuously without AA. \Vhere they have done poorly, say in mathematics or nuclear physics, /\,-\ did not help.