If there is one Great Fact from which all of Leland Yeager’s special qualities derive, it is his zeal for truth. He must seek the truth, learn the truth, know the truth, write the truth, and speak the truth. An honest scholar is constrained by truth. He may err, of course, but he must be truthful. Leland B. Yeager is much more than an honest scholar; he has a fervent devotion to truth, a zeal for truth. The contributors to this volume have all experienced this zeal and been inspired by it. The notoriety of the scholars contributing to this volume is a testament to the respect, admiration, and love that Leland Yeager inspires in all his colleagues and students. They have all experienced the special qualities that make Leland Yeager an exceptional scholar and an exceptional friend. These exceptional qualities are reflected in the essay by Breit, Elzinga, and Willett, “The Yeager Mystique: A Profile of the Scholar as Teacher and Colleague.” Their paean to Yeager does not exaggerate. He is an extraordinary teacher, an extraordinary scholar, and an extraordinary personality.