J.R. Jones, ed., The Restored Monarchy, 1660-1688 (1979). More detailed coverage is contained in M.J. Braddick, Parliamentary Taxation in 17th-Century England: Local Administration and Response (Woodbridge, 1994); F.C. Dietz, English Public Finance, 1558-1641 (1932); C.D. Chandaman, The English Public Revenue, 1660-1688 (Oxford, 1975), which is now the definitive work on the period; and, for the later years, P.G.M. Dickson, The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756 (1967), a firstclass survey. For information on the Treasury, see S.B. Baxter, The Development of the Treasury, 1660-1702 (1957), and two books by H. Roseveare: The Treasury: The Evolution of a British Institution (1969) and The Treasury, 1660-1870 (1973). The crown’s borrowing is the subject of Robert Ashton, The Crown and the Money Market, 1603-1640 (Oxford, 1960), while Menna Prestwich, Cranfield: Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts (Oxford, 1966) considers the efforts made to achieve economies. J.V. Beckett, ‘Land tax or excise: the levying of taxation in seventeenth-and eighteenth-century England’, EHR 100 (1985) provides a useful survey of the varying types of taxation in force, particularly during the 1690s. Other relevant articles include Robert Ashton, ‘Deficit finance in the reign of James I’, EcHR 2nd series 10 (1957-8); H.H. Leonard, ‘Distraint of knighthood: the last phase, 1625-41’, Hist. 63 (1978); C. Brooks, ‘Public finance and political stability: the administration of the land tax, 1688-1720’, HJ 17 (1974); M.D. Gordon, ‘The collection of ship money in the reign of Charles I’, TRHS 3rd series 4 (1910); and E.A. Reitan, ‘From revenue to civil list, 16891702: the revolution settlement and the mixed and balanced constitution’, HJ 13 (1970).