Introduction This book is clearly set within the UK context, however it is important to compare policy and practice with other European countries. First, the UK is a member state of the EU and of the Single Market. As discussed in Chapter 6, the directives, recommendations, action plans and rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) have already driven substantial parts of UK legislation in the area of equality. This chapter provides an

overview of the labour market trends and patterns across the EU, which can be compared with those of the UK, discussed in Chapter 2. We also examine the different social and employment policy approaches adopted by governments, identifying the variety of models which exist and their implications for the advance of equality in the labour market. Some countries have very different approaches to that of the UK, the consideration of which allows us to broaden our perspectives of equality, and to indicate where there are examples of more positive or more negative equality outcomes. Are there models of policy and practice which could be successfully implemented within the UK context and, equally, does policy and practice in the UK offer any lessons or examples for other European countries?