Bible; this word may be compared with the Coptic KHU€, KHUS or .?CHUS . The children of Ham are said to be Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. The second of these, Mi~raim, is the name given to Egypt by the Hebrews. The dual form of the word, which means" the double Mi~or," probably has reference to the "two lands" (in Egypt. ~), over which the Egyptian kings, in their inscriptions, proclaimed their rule. The descendants of Cush are represented on the monuments by the inhabitants of Nubia and the negro tribes which live to the south of that country. In the earliest times the descendants of Cush appear to have had the same religion as the Egyptians. The Put of the Bible is thought by some to be represented by the land of Punt, or spice-land, of the monuments. The people of Punt appear to have dwelt on both sides of the Red Sea to the south of Egypt and on the Somali coast, and as far back as B.C. 2500 a large trade was carried on between them and the Egyptians; it is thought that the Egyptians regarded them as kinsmen. The aboriginal inhabitants of Phcenicia were prohably the kinsfolk of the descendants of Mi~raim, caIIed by the Bible Canaanites. Diodorus and some other classical authorities tel! us that Egypt was colonized from Ethiopia; for this view, however, there is no support. The civilization, religion, art of building, etc., of the Ethiopians are all of Egyptian origin, and in this, as in so many other points relating to the history of Egypt, the Greeks were either misinformed, or they misunderstood what they were told.