With the increased recognition of the importance of co-creation in digital world (Baker and Curasi, 2008; Mukherjee and Venkatesh, 2008; Tumbat and Horowitz, 2008), consumer creativity has gained attention by scholars who explore consumption/production in the digital world. Scholars have explored consumer creativity primarily in terms of design (Moreau and Dahl, 2005), product co-creation (Vargo and Lusch, 2004), innovation (Hirschman, 1980), consumer intelligence (Hirschman, 1983), and meaning creation (Herd et al., 2009). Consumer creativity is mainly defi ned as “ . . . the ability to engage in . . . productive thinking-the capacity to generate novel cognitive content” (Hirschman, 1980: 285), and is found to be infl uenced by situational and personal factors (Burroughs and Mick, 2004). Bonsu and Darmody (2008) also explored consumer creativity in virtual worlds and concluded that corporations exploit co-creative practices of consumers in these contexts.