Purpose and scope of the Building Regulations Since 1875, the law has imposed controls to ensure that buildings are constructed in a way which is conducive to good health. Originally, local authorities made bye-laws on matters such as the materials to be used, ventilation and sanitation. Relevant legislation is now consolidated in the Building Act 1984 which empowers the Secretary of State for the Environment to make Regulations. New Building Regulations were made in 1985, replacing the 1976 set. There was a significant change in approach in the 1985 version, in that the Regulations now impose much less detailed control. The latest set of Regulations was issued in 2000. Many specific points previously contained in the Regulations are now covered by guidance documents. Section 7 of the 1984 Act provides that a failure to comply with guidance documents does not in itself render a person liable to civil or criminal proceedings, but in any such proceedings a failure to comply may be relied on as tending to establish liability.