Nunivak Island is located in the Bering Sea about 64 km off the coast of Southwest Alaska, USA. Cup’ig people have occupied Nunivak for over 2000 years and today, a federally recognized tribe is located in Mekoryuk. Up to 1940s, the women and children on Nunivak lived in semi-subterranean sod houses while men lived in a ‘kasigi’, or men’s community house. Traditional Nunivak island clothes include those woven from quiviut and Parkas made from suitable animal skins. Nunivak has a number of organisations, which could play a role in any tourism policy present or future; the City of Mekoryuk is not one. Nunivak islanders could, if they wished, cater for a broad spectrum of visitors. The island is remote, scenic, pristine, and ideal for activities such as sea kayaking, wilderness hiking, fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing. Nunivak is a destination for special interest tourists and those seeking the novel and the authentic, with interests in natural environments and traditional cultures.