According to the World Tourism Organization, Hungary is among the most visited countries in the world; in 2000, Hungary received 14 million tourists. Successive democratic governments following the change of political regime in 1990 have paid particular attention to the comprehensive development of tourism. Socio-economic changes, however, along with the transformation promoting this process, have generated negative trends as well. One of these is an increase in crime. As a consequence, crime has shown a tendency to expand; the crime rate rose from 34 per thousand inhabitants in 1990 to 45 in 2000. Most offences were committed in Budapest and other urban areas of the country most frequented by tourists. By now it has been realised that the security of tourists is mandatory for success in the tourism industry. Therefore, assuring the personal safety of visitors and security of their property has become a basic requirement. With high quality tourist information and the provision of assistance for tourists and orientation in an alien environment, the victimisation of foreigners can be reduced.