The erosion and decline of social cohesion in contemporary society is a recurring theme in social science. It is difficult to say how far this deterioration is really taking place, how far new types of social bonding are developing and what kind of social bonding is actually desirable. But the fact that new forms of social cohesion are being called for is, in itself, possibly a sign that old ties are no longer functioning as they should. In recent years, it has often been argued that self-organization and active citizenship need to be encouraged. This also applies to the field of housing. Few would deny that it would be desirable for more citizens to become more actively involved in their living environment. That much is clear. What is less obvious is what, specifically, can be done to encourage this involvement. Could housing providers act to strengthen social cohesion from their current position? More specifically still, could residents become more actively involved in management and decision making, not only as individual customers, but also as a community? This is a question that is increasingly being raised in a sector where discussion has traditionally centered on the socioeconomic consequences of the choice between the two dominant tenures in housing: private home ownership and the (social) rental sector.