B Keywords – building energy simulation; coupling; energy saving; local dynamic similarity model; multi-

zone airflow network model; natural ventilation

The world population has exceeded 6 billion to date, with more than half of these living in

urban areas, and the urban population is expected to swell to almost 5 billion people by

2030 (UNFPA, 2007). Urbanization is progressing rapidly in many Asian cities. The process

of urbanization modifies land use from a natural environment into a built environment for

making new buildings (residential and commercial buildings, schools, playgrounds,

shopping malls and public facilities). Although rapidly expanding urban populations can

give rise to many advantages, such as job opportunities, education, quality living and

information technology, the high rates of population growth and continued urbanization

will also induce various problems, such as an increase in energy consumption and

greenhouse gas emissions, which affect our daily lives and, most importantly, the
