With the growing number of adolescents joining online environments, popular culture is increasingly influenced by youth around the globe entering into a common, virtual space. Concurrently, youth are using new literacies online. Transnational online social spaces that embrace popular culture phenomena allow youth from around the world to begin understanding the concept of border crossing. Adolescents shape the discourse conventions in these transnational spaces by participating in online conversations, as well as producing and editing online texts about popular culture. They are creating ever-changing online communities about a common interest, such as comics, games, or books. Online spaces are becoming a primary space where young adults write and communicate with the world. In fact, Black and Steinkuehler (2009) state that “online spaces have become the preferred sites for many adolescents from across the globe to meet, interact, play, and share their thoughts, perspectives, and languages with one another” (p. 271).