Meanwhile, the Bengali alliance of Mīr Qāsim, Shujāud-Dawlah, and Shāh Ālam had reached Vārānasī on March 7 and thrown a bridge of boats over the Ganges. The bridge collapsed with only half the force across, but their army finished crossing on April 2. With Bengali forces now uncom­ fortably close, Carnac's council of war recommended a re­ treat seventy-five miles to Patna, for which they departed on April 4. Bengali forces were close behind. After he reached




Buxar on April 9, Shujā-ud-Dawlah tried to cut off Carnac's retreat. On April 17 and 18 he crossed Son River. A chance encounter with an East India Company patrol on April 22 misled Shujā-ud-Dawlah, however, and he decided to aban­ don the attempt to cut off Carnac. The British reached Patna on April 25 and dug in. When the troops of the Bengali alliance arrived-now 40,000 strong, over half in calvarythey took up a position opposite Carnac's trenches, which were protected by the guns of Patna's fortifications.