Maciej Zalewski contributed to the Solidarity newspaper Tygodnik Solidarnosc, which is associated with the Democratic Center. Kisiel in the ninth issue of Tygodnik Powszechny writes in a way that explicitly challenges fears concerning the future of Poland. They are age-old and brutal, but they do help one get rid of self-delusions. It is important that Poland should have a strong economy and a well-developed political structure, and that it be self-governed by social groups. Unfortunately these elements of domestic politics still remain in the sphere of wishful thinking. Poland, a nation of forty million which enjoys Western sympathy, a nation that is undergoing the normalization of its relations with Russia, potentially constitutes a barrier to German eastern expansion. To conquer East Germany implies the need to assimilate it with the European market. Poland in this situation gains in terms of time, but loses in terms of German capital interested in investing in the East.