Most family counselors believe that the entire family system, which is really a natural social system, is dysfunctional. Hence

the entire family is the identified patient and in need of treatment. Traditionally, the identified patient (IP) was seen as the person who was having a problem. Unfortunately, for insurance purposes you may need to pick a family member to diagnose as the identified patient even though this goes against what most family therapists believe! (c)

902. You are seeing a husband and wife for marriage counseling. During one of the sessions you decide to see them separately. The husband tells you he has seen an attorney because he is filing for divorce. He has not told his wife and indicates that he will not do so. You feel the wife has a right to know this because it will help her plan for the future. You should

a. only tell his wife if he gives you permission. b. communicate his intent to his wife since ethics guide-

lines state you may do so when a member of the couple is contemplating divorce.